Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to Make a Satire Topic for an Essay

How to Make a Satire Topic for an EssayYou can use satirical topics for an essay to mock a certain point of view, or simply to point out some hypocrisy in the author. A person who writes about the news would be expected to have some knowledge on current events, but just because the writer uses current news events as subject matter for an essay does not mean that they actually do. A good satirist will take some time to research their topic so that they will be able to poke fun at people who are often over-sensitive. For example, a political essay on the upcoming election might read as a parody of the same subject matter.Using satire as a guide when writing an essay topic is fairly simple. It only takes a short amount of research, which is a relatively easy thing to do. The following are four satire topics for an essay that you should be able to use:Political Authoritarianism. One of the worst things that an author can do is to create a false and malicious impression of the character o f another author. That's where the political authoritarianism comes in. The author in question may have been in a position where he or she had to follow what they thought was right, but it was in fact wrong. Thus, they may have used his or her power to undermine another author's freedom.In the last few years, political authoritarianism has become a big problem. The elections of Barack Obama and George W. Bush show how the rise of the authoritarian has affected American politics. While these authors and their political ideologies are mostly discredited now, many people still think that the democratic elections were somehow tainted by vote-buying and voter fraud. Thus, any satirical essay should make a clear comparison between that era and the present.Contemporary Authoritarianism. When an author is trying to cast blame on another author or group of authors for aspecific event or occurrence, they are basically trying to discredit them in the eyes of their readers. These essays are usu ally easy to write as long as you have a well-written subject and provide a detailed description of how each author, or group of authors, is tied to the event.Religious Conservative Opinions. The Christian right is perhaps the biggest problem with American politics today. To satirize these authors, the best way to go is to attack the political, moral, and religious stand that they have taken over the past few decades.The arguments that Christian leaders make in opposition to gay marriage, abortion, and so on, are easily mocked and satirized in this type of essay. The same can be said for the new 'religious' conservatives that seem to just decide that their beliefs are morally superior to everyone else's. In order to satirize them, the best way to do it is to portray the author as ignorant and ill-informed.Old Political Scandals. One of the best ways to get humor into an essay is to poke fun at issues that come up in government.

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